#7 Lilian Garcia sings the National Anthem post 9/11 attacks
September 11th, 2001 is a day that changed the world, and not just the United States, forever.
When Vince McMahon made the decision to go ahead with an episode of SmackDown two days after the terrorist attacks in New York City, the general public was cautious. It was the first public gathering of people of its size since the attacks, and at that point, America didn't know if it was still under attack or not and were wondering if the WWE was basically turning the SmackDown taping into a giant target.
In typical Vince McMahon fashion, though, he was bold and defiant in the eyes of adversity, and he went ahead with the show to give the fans something to distract them from what had been happening.
You knew it would be an atypical show, full of emotion, but when Lilian Garcia began to belt out the Star Spangled Banner, everything reached another level. This would be remembered for ages.