#8 Becky Lynch
In the ring, Becky is easily in the top-tier female wrestlers in WWE, and can work with a variety of opponents in many different styles. Her character is pretty simple, but relatable; especially to casual fans. Her mic skills are good, though they could be a lot better with practice. Her voice, a thick Dublin accent is a problem for fans, which will be her biggest obstacle. Becky's passionate speaking can sell a feud.
Her psychology and storytelling in the ring is pretty good, and she's charismatic to boot. For someone who has spent a majority of their career as a heel; Becky plays a surprisingly good babyface; she's naturally sympathetic, knows how to show vulnerability without coming off as helpless, which makes it easy for crowds to root for her.
Her current role on Smackdown is very uncharitable to fans' of hers, and others who are expecting good to great matches from her. She has been used to not only to help greener talent like Carmella, Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan but also to try to get them over. In multi-women title matches and in tag matches, she is usually the glue that holds the match together.