#5 Roman Reigns
31 wins/11 losses/3 DQ
69% Winning Percentage
No matter how hard they try, no matter what angles they take, WWE creative officials cannot get Roman Reigns over with the fans. Sure, there's a small remnant of fans who stick with Roman, no matter what, but this guy was initially thought to be the second coming of his own relative, The Rock.
Needless to say, that's not happening in this lifetime. However, Roman has not let the hate affect his performance, because despite the criticism, Reigns continues to get better.
Reigns had a strong finish to 2016 and now 2017 is shaping up in his favour as well. At this point, the best thing that could happen for him is a Shield reunion. Regardless of the situation, the fans will always pop for a Shield comeback and that would be good news for Roman Reigns.