#6 Triple H
Considering Triple has been with the WWE 20+ years, I would say that he’s done pretty well to only have one ugly wrestling attire. I wouldn’t even consider his attire worn during his gimmick as a blue-blood particularly bad, as it matched his character.
There was a time in 2003, where Triple H injured his groin and had to wear supportive bandages so he could still compete. As this would be completely noticeable in his usual black trunks, he switched to ugly short tights. I really do not know what he was thinking. The looked absolutely sickening.
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What makes this even worse, is that before he wore trunks, he wore tights that actually quite suited him. Why someone did not advise him to go back to this look while he was recovering is completely beyond me.
As mentioned in the introduction, a bad attire can take away from the wrestler and his character and this is what happened for me when he changed to these awful supportive shots.
Ugly, ugly, ugly attire.