#7 Rated RKO

Often times, there's a bit of a 'slow down' in a superstar's career after they've captured their initial world championship. This happens because of shuffling talent through the tiers of the roster to keep things fresh.
This slowdown happened to both Edge and Orton at the same time, and WWE decided to push them as a tag team. Though they were thrown together with little logic other than they were both heels, the duo would own their gimmick and become one of the more popular acts of the 2000s.
Chiefly they feuded with D-Generation X, acting as foils to the fun-loving overgrown frat boys Triple H and Shawn Michaels. They only captured the tag team gold once, but they left enough of an impression that they are still talked about today.
Why they were one of the best teams of the era: Edge and Orton represented a 'super tag team,' one made of two major singles stars and former world champions. Their prestige along with natural chemistry between the performers led to a much more successful run than anyone anticipated.