#8 The Brothers of Destruction

If you've ever wondered what a team up between Godzilla and King Kong would look like, you need search no further than the Brothers of Destruction.
Kane and Undertaker's careers have been entwined ever since the debut of the Big Red Machine. After a series of failed gimmicks, Glenn Jacobs was finally cast as the kayfabe brother of The Undertaker, and their frenemy relationship has led to some of the finest moments in WWE programming.
Undertaker was the better in-ring performer, but Kane, once he unmasked, proved to be better on the microphone. Their sheer size and intimidating presence often meant an easy victory over many of the teams of their era.
Why they were one of the top teams of the era: The Brothers of Destruction may not have been the most nuanced team, but they had legitimate heat and a level of prestige that no other team of the era could match.