#11 for the RevPro British Heavyweight Championship: Zack Sabre Jr (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi, NJPW/ROH G1 Supercard @Madison Square Garden
It is a disappointment when two talents of such caliber are only eleventh on a top twenty list. A major part of that blame falls to ROH's short-sighted selfish booking that saw their tricks after the tag team contest, take attention away from the immersion of this next contest.
Even then with their sublime skill, Tanahashi and Sabre Jr manage to bring in the viewer into another storytelling classic.
The residue of their New Japan Cup clashes (last year's Zack win included as well) resonates in this match, providing the template for an unlikely trilogy. Where in their last matchup, Zack sought to prove his prowess by going against the grain, here he sticks true.
In the last cup match, Tanahashi found Zack targeting everything but his weakened legs only for Sanada to do the opposite and head to the finals. Here Zack unleashes on said legs with unbelievable fury. Though Tanahashi is the ace for a reason, this one is Sabre's story as he has broken down opponents including The Ace all week for the perfect shot.
It all comes tumbling towards the end with a nifty set of counters as Sabre smartly avoids and transitions dragon suplex moves into submission after submission all the way from the simple armbar into the twisted Orient Napalm Death destroying the giant that is The Ace.
Result: Zack Sabre Jr. ties up Hiroshi Tanahashi forcing a verbal tap out to win and retain the RevPro British Heavyweight Championship!