#9 Konosuke Takeshita (c) vs. Daisuke Sasaki, DDT is Coming to America (for the KO-D Openweight Championship)
The first real taste of DDT for America (and me) went off with a bang, a trippy experience of comedy wrestling dialed to eleven.
Yet when it comes to the main event, DDT goes so subversive that watching wrestling after a laugh riot becomes exhilarating. Thankfully DDT loses none of its wacky soul giving the WrestleMania week a top ten contender.
The champion Takeshita, a straight-laced babyface enters to a dim reaction. In comparison,Sasaki is the perfect embodiment of the loser rockstar, both reviled for his fragile ego and actions as well as beloved for the 'I don't care' attitude that has made Tetsuya Naito such a superstar.
Their exchanges flow from the genuinely awkward with Sasaki playing perfect mind games to the ultimately ballistic as he leaps onto Takeshita in the audience. The madness gets elevation from the crowd as Sasaki digs deeper into his bag of heel tricks with two low blows and some mild interference by his factions mates well played into the story's conclusion.
Eventually despite earning the boos of the crowd, Sasake's win elevates his status. However the celebration is short lived, as his faction mate cashes in on Sasake to steal away the title.
Result: Daisuke Sasaki steals an incredible win from Konosuke Takeshita to become the NEW KO-D Openweight Champion, but not for long.