#3 Rusev's pursuit of happiness

Wrestling is all about dreams, as fans fantasize their favorite wrestlers colliding in a landscape changing dream matches, wrestlers hope one day their hard work would lead to big things and management hope they would one day make Roman Reigns the next John Cena, maybe WWE still dreaming about that last part. But the point is, when Rusev won the right to be called number one contender for the WWE Title, it was a long time coming for a man that made his debut wearing no wrestling boots.
Against AJ Styles Rusev was facing a man that had to work close to two decades to make his dreams come true, so this match was not about heel vs face but a man fighting to keep his dream intact and a man striving to realise his, and boy did these two deliver in what should have been the main event of the night.
And even though Rusev lost, as to why would WWE give him the nod? He still endeared himself to the WWE Universe as he painfully left the ring knowing his loss to AJ Styles was probably the last time he would even get a chance at the Wolrd Title. Well, announcers always reiterate when a wrestler is pushing themselves too hard they should live to fight another day, on that day lets hope is finally Rusev's day.