#4 KO goes old school

Some might love Kevin Owens for his witty nature, some might hate him for his cowardly behavior but one has to respect the man for the crazy stuff he puts his body through just to entertains the fans, but most of you might be saying why KO? Every wrestler puts their body through hell just so 'we the people' can laugh at their misery, if you are a wrestler that has been getting ragged dolled for over a month, it kind of affords you some sympathy from a human perspective.
And this might be the unpopular opinion but this whole Strowman-Owens storyline has made Strowman look like a 'bully' and KO as the pathos deserving face, and it becomes hard to boo a man that does a Stone Cold Stunner, DX crotch chop and takes a mick foley like bump through a table. Owens might be on a downward spiral in terms credibility but if that man can put himself through that level of punishment to entertain, he deserves a Slammy and that too for OMG moment of the fricking year.
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