#2 Tombstone Piledriver - The Undertaker

The Tombstone Piledriver earns the second spot in the list with his uniqueness and the number of superstars The Undertaker has defeated for almost three decades.
The standard piledriver was banned by WWE after numerous superstars got injured and for safety reasons. However, WWE allowed the tombstone piledriver to go on as because it has less effect when performed successfully.
In today’s WWE, only Kane and The Undertaker are allowed to perform a piledriver; the Tombstone Piledriver. It is safer in the context that the performing superstar lands on his knees rather than his backside which allows more room between the victim’s head and the mat of the ring.
When The Brothers of Destruction, Kane and Undertaker eventually retire, it is hard to imagine that the WWE universe will ever accept any other superstar performing this move.