2013 TLC: December 15, 2013
CM Punk had just finished an intense feud with The Wyatt Family.
However, The Shield had been laying and waiting for Punk and when he was done with Bray Wyatt and his ruthless henchmen, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins took their opportunity.
Punk wasn’t sure why these ambushes were happening. Finally, he realized this was all a result of his defiance against Triple H and The Authority. Punk refused to cave into their demands and after calling them out, he was awarded with a handicap match against all three members of The Shield at the TLC pay-per-view.
Early in the match, it appeared that The Shield just offered entirely too much for Punk to overcome. However, Punk stuck to his game plan and began picking off the members, one by one.
In the closing minutes of the match, Reigns goes after Punk with a spear, but Punk side-steps, forcing Roman to nail his own partner, Ambrose with the big spear. Punk took advantage of the misdirection, then pinned Ambrose for the huge upset win.