#5 Muhammad Ali's WrestleMania moment
A big part of the early WrestleMania event was the celebrity cameo, especially the first wrestling. While Cyndi Lauper was around earlier in the card, escorting Wendi Richter on her way to the ring.
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Most of the celebrities were involved in the main event of the night, including Liberace as the special guest timekeeper and Billy Martin, a former professional baseballer who was in his second stint as manager for the New York Yankees.
However, the biggest get was former Heavyweight Champion of the World Muhammad Ali. 3 years after hanging up the gloves, the controversial boxing star was the special outside guest referee for the main event tag team match between the team of Rowdy Roddy Piper and 'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff against Hulk Hogan and Mr. T.
Ali kept interjecting himself into the match clearly favoring the babyface team of Mr. T and Hogan. Ali would repeatedly climb into the ring to try and attack Orndorff and Piper.
Despite having retired from boxing three years earlier, Ali was loudly cheered by the crowd as he made his entrance. It was not Ali's first experience in wrestling either, having had a fight against Japanese wrestling legend, Antonio Inoki, earlier in his career.
Nor would it be the last time a boxer would be featured as a part of WWE programming, with Mike Tyson, Buster Douglas, and Floyd Mayweather would all play parts of future storylines.