#4 Conor McGregor and Roman Reigns

The pro wrestling/MMA connection has rather deep roots. For one, early UFC star Ken Shamrock was featured prominently during WWE's Attitude Era.
Shamrock was a bonafide wrestler who mastered tricky moves like the hurricanrana, but was still considered a legit bad man due to his UFC past.
Then Brock Lesnar did the impossible and switched careers from the WWE to UFC. After a rocky start, he became the most bankable champion in the promotion's history. CM Punk also followed suit, albeit with less success.
This feud started when Conor McGregor had some nasty things to say about WWE stars in an interview.
For the most part, those WWE guys are p**sies, to be honest,They're messed up pu**ies, if you ask me.
When WWE fans took him to task for his bold statement, McGregor responded on Twitter.
Among the many who took exception to this statement was WWE Superstar and Top Guy in the company Roman Reigns.
Reigns then went on to say that McGregor would be better off on 205 Live than on RAW. The feud appears to be over for now, but you never know with a personage as mouthy as Connor is.
Winner: Roman Reigns
Conor McGregor should keep in mind that pro wrestlers trash talk for a living, and if he can't stand the heat he should stay out of the kitchen.