#3 Kevin Owens vs Roman Reigns - Universal Championship match - Royal Rumble 2017

Roman Reigns could not beat Kevin Owens at Roadblock: End of the Line due to Chris Jericho's intervention. Hence their match at Royal Rumble 2017 was made a No Disqualification match, with Jericho suspended above the ring in a Shark Cage.
Kevin Owens was the MVP of this match, he even went through a flight of chairs to make this match more brutal than what it already was.
This match was not just about the extreme actions. Owens pulled out a Stone Cold Stunner, a Backstabber, and even gave Reigns a taste of his own medicine - a Superman punch. This match was so good that even the interference of Braun Strowman could not relegate it.
The crowd (who would boo the ear out of Reigns in the main event) cheered every single second of this bout.