Ever since Triple H started appearing as the COO of the WWE, the phrase “Best For Business” has been used countless number of times.
Keeping that in mind, WWE does what it thinks might entertain the audience and increase viewership and hence advertisements and sponsorships, and then comes the money.
But in their attempt to be entertaining or novel, they go on to create some of the stipulations for a match.
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Here are some of the weirdest stipulations:
Tuxedo Match
Just like the divas division, years later started having a bra and panties match, here the men have to go through the ridiculous ordeal of wrestling in a tuxedo and ripping it all off to pronounce a winner.
Stone Cold is one of the wrestlers in his Stunning Steve Austin avatar. The kind of career he’s had In the WWE must have made it easy for him to put this match behind and away.
P.S. – How bad was Ricardo and Santino’s match with the same stipulation!?
Evening Gown, Mud, Pudding, Gravy matches
Speaking of the divas division, they’ve had most of the ridiculous stipulations. Due to the emphasis on hypersexualisation in the WWE till 2007-08, the divas were involved in various such stipulations.
These stipulations are responsible for making champions out of Debra and The Kat. Enough said!
Blindfold match
Don’t know how WWE planned to blindfold two wrestlers and expected them to wrestle a match for more than a few seconds. A smart thing to do is follow the audience’s direction, but even that cannot prevent this stipulation from being a mess.
Kennel from Hell
This was a match made in hell. This sure gave hell to the people watching. There is a cell surrounding the ring and surrounding the cell are dogs and in Mick Foley’s words in the beginning of the video you are going to see “is truly hideous”.
Doomsday Cage match
Speaking of cages, WWE or rather WCW found another way to make the cage look completely the opposite of dangerous. This has 3 floors of cages which equaled in an overload of steel which prevented the viewers in the arena and at home from seeing the action going on inside. FAIL.