Well, what’s the cheesiest of them all – Ryback joining Paul Heyman and parting ways within a month or an unstoppable force like Ryback teaming up with some guy who’s in the WWE just because of his father and becoming practically a jobber; losing to guys like R-Truth and Xavier Woods? But that guy really has talent. Power or talent, whatever you call it, that’s best for business.
He has the potential of making it big in the WWE. This guy certainly needs better than teaming up with some random guy like Curtis Axel. He could have made it pretty big if his useless heel turn hadn’t happened the day after WM-29. Anyways, wastage of superstars like this is not a new thing in the WWE. They need to come up with better plots. WWE Creatives, can you hear me? Sure enough, they should come up with better plots for talented superstars like these and just try to replace the Cenas and the Ortons.
A female WWE star said her life is in danger. Details HERE