#2 Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks (Hell in a Cell 2019)

Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks had the second-ever women's Hell in a Cell match in 2019. "The Man" and "The Boss" had met previously at Clash of Champions, after Banks' shock return had resulted in the two entwined in a vicious feud.
The Clash match ended in a DQ when Lynch inadvertently hit the referee with a steel chair. But the fighting wouldn't stop there as they brawled throughout the arena, which set the stage for their Hell in a Cell match.
Sasha Banks was part of the first women's cell match two years earlier, so she knew what to expect from the unforgiving stipulation. However, Lynch would have a few tricks up her sleeve.
The match kicked off in furious style as the two used much more than just the cell as a weapon. There were weapons galore scattered all around the ring to inflict further punishment on one another. Chairs, ladders, tables and kendo sticks all came into play, with both Lynch and Banks taking crazy bumps in new and imaginative ways.
Two perfect enemies met at the perfect time. Both were at the top of their game and had a point to prove. And prove it, they most certainly did.