#2 Ricochet

Rumors abound that Ricochet is a favourite of Raw's new Executive Producer, Paul Heyman, and Paul E is continuing to do a fine job in turning the high flier into a top player in WWE's red brand. Ricochet cut a promo about facing Styles and how he had previously looked up to him.
This set up a series of bouts in which Ricochet first defeated Styles's ally, Luke Gallows, with a sunset flip pin. Immediately following the match, Styles proposed another bout versus Karl Anderson. Ricochet accepted and in a fun sprint, defeated Anderson as well, nullifying Styles' interference and hitting the 630 for the win.
Post-match, Styles and The Club laid Ricochet out to earn a measure of revenge but that took nothing away from the achievements of beating two top stars in back to back matches.
The momentum is firm with Ricochet leading into the United States Championship match at Extreme Rules. Perhaps he will make it onto this list once again next week.