#6 Non-PG A** kicker of the PG era
This one was as simple as it gets. Once again Paul Heyman was in the ring on Monday Night RAW, right after WrestleMania 31, with his client Brock Lesnar, where he once again built up the repertoire of the Beast.
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He made mention of the physical damage that Lesnar dished out on Roman Reigns and continued to verbally make the WWE Universe fall at his feet.
The highlight of the promo was probably when he began by saying that Brock Lesnar was the most 'Non-PG a** kicker of the PG era', which basically made clear to not just the WWE Universe, but the promotion itself, that Lesnar can do what he wants whenever he wants.
Heyman also slipped in a couple of jibes against the supposed 'scumbag' lawyers, as well as calling Seth Rollins 'slimy' and 'disgusting'.
The promo ended with Heyman making it clear that Lesnar would be invoking his rematch clause immediately.