#2 John Cena (c) vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship (SummerSlam 2013)

We are taking a small break from Brock Lesnar matches and seeing something totally different from an unstoppable beast, killer instinct etc.
Remember what I said about CM Punk in 2011? Replace him with Danial Bryan and 2011 with 2013. There was no other superstar as popular as Danial Bryan in 2013. The build was similar to the first time Austin won the WWE Title and Vince wanted to do a corporate makeover for him.
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This match was very good, even more considering Cena was nursing an injury on his elbow during the time. He once again proved his critics wrong. But more than the match itself, it is what happened after the match that people still talk about.
Triple H turning heel and screwing Danial Bryan out of the title by helping Randy Orton to cash in Money in the Bank on Bryan, this led to a huge angle called The Authority.
It also led to another angle - though WWE cannot claim it as theirs. It was at this point that fans started voicing their opinion in support of Danial Bryan which eventually led to him winning the title at WrestleMania.