WWE is not only a place to wrestle but also a place for entertainment. Not only wrestlers but some actors also have tried to use their hands inside the ring. Remember Arnold , Chuck Norris, Snoop Dogg ? Here are a few actors who came to WWE as guests:
Hugh Jackman
Wolverine visited Monday night RAW, on 20 September 2011, with Zack Ryder and he punched Dolph Ziggler, who was competing against Ryder. Rumor says he broke Ziggler’s jaw with that Hugh punch. Take a look.
The A-Team
Members of The A-Team movie – Sharlto Copley, Rampage Jackson and Bradley Cooper – hosted WWE RAW in June. That was a viewers choice night and what happened there is in following video.
Chuck Norris
Anyone wants to know who is Chuck Norris? I don’t think so. We have heard a lot about him! When he went Live on Raw and into the ring with Goldberg, this is what happened there.
The occasion was The Rock‘s birthday and this Spanish Rapper sang a song for him. Here is the clip.
Snoop Dogg
Another singer appeared on RAW but he didn’t sing a song. He was inside the ring with Chavo Gurrerro and Spear by Snop Dogg. Take a look.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
This former professional bodybuilder was live on RAW outside the ring at commentary but not for much longer. Here is a clip that shows what happened when HHH tried to hit this Muscle-Man.
Mike Tyson
Mike Tyson made a surprise return to the ring in 2010. He was teaming up with Y2J and facing against DX, but at the end, a knockout punch finished off his own tag team partner. Watch this.
Besides these, a lot of other celebrities made their appearance on WWE. Some actors came to promote their movie or song and some only for entertainment. For example, just the night after Royal Rumble 2013, we saw Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf, though it wasn’t for any promotion.
From Wrestlemania 1 to Wrestlemania 28, at least one celebrity has been there, whether it was Muhammad Ali as a guest referee for the main event at Wrestlemania 1 or Flo Rida at Wrestlemania 28.