Pregnancy mysteries
Brie and Nikki get stuck under a coffee table playing ball with Nikki’s dog, Winston. This is not as exciting as it sounds. Then Nikki, in possibly the crappiest move she’s ever pulled, orders dinner for her and Brie.
See, Nikki, being a doctor and all, has decided that Brie isn’t getting pregnant because she doesn’t have enough iron in her diet. Real Doctor said maybe that’s a thing, and if she wants to supplement her vegetarian diet with iron she would normally get from meat, she could try spinach. Because real doctors know it could be any number of things that are keeping Brie from getting knocked up.
Nikki hears the word “spinach” and decides to be the worst possible person about it by ordering a big pile of meat for herself, and the equivalent of the iron in her meat plate in spinach salad form, for Brie. Essentially saying that if Brie doesn’t listen to her she’ll never get pregnant. I wonder what Rosa Mendez, known not-doctor, has to say about all this?
It’s ten plates of spinach “salad.” Just spinach with a hint of tomato. Ten plates. Nikki has never been pregnant, not even once.
Even worse, turns out that Brie has been freezing herself like Walt Disney’s head and that’s probably what’s causing her reproductive system to shut down. She is told this by the guy who regularly freezes her.
Nikki does the whole “told ya so” thing, because ten plates of spinach means "Are you possibly freezing your ovaries? Maybe that's why you can't have babies?" in Bella-speak.