WWE Hall of Famer and former WCW World Champion Diamond Dallas Page recently responded to a tweet that featured a young Triple H, who had just kicked off his career as a WWE Superstar. The clip shows Triple H winning a match using a finisher that was basically a Diamond Cutter. The Game dubbed the move as the Pedigree Pandemonium at the time.
Page recalled that he requested Triple H to stop using the Diamond Cutter as his finisher, and the latter never used it again. Check out Page's tweet below:
Triple H replaced the move with the Pedigree, and the rest is history
Triple H made his way to WWE in the mid-90s, after a brief stint in WCW. Although he didn't do much of note early on in his WWE career, Triple H soon established himself as one of the most entertaining aspects of WWE's weekly programming. He was supposed to win the 1996 King of the Ring tournament, but the Kliq incident, where the members of the faction broke kayfabe at Madison Square Garden, prevented that from happening. He ended up winning the tournament a year later.
Triple H began using The Pedigree around this time, and the move became synonymous with him for the rest of his career. The Game won several World titles and career-defining matches using the finisher.