In this week’s Michael Cole sitdown interview featured Triple H. He spoke about various things like manipulating Reigns, Rock’s interference at the Rumble, about Sting being a coward, and his interview with Austin. He also praised Seth Rollins and said that he was a true WWE superstar and The Rock and Sting are not. Catch the full video of the interview at the bottom.
Here are some of the highlights from the video:
- They talked about Triple H’s interview with Steve Austin and Triple H says he heard he had 40% more viewers than Vince McMahon did. Triple H gives props to Austin for finding something new he’s very good at.
- Cole asked about The Authority backing Roman Reigns into a corner and manipulating him on RAW. Triple H said life is a manipulation, everything is. Triple H says they wanted a fair winner at the Royal Rumble, they didn’t feel they got it and fans were upset but at the end of the day, they are now where they need to be. Cole asks if this was done because The Authority didn’t get the Rumble winner they wanted. Triple H said he’s after fairness and what’s best for business, but he didn’t get that at the Rumble, he got a tainted victory.
- Triple H said The Rock is always welcome in WWE but not to interject himself into the outcome of matches or The Authority’s business. Triple H says the outcome of the Rumble was tainted due to The Rock and that’s not best for business. He said fans voiced their unhappiness due to The Rock’s interference. Cole brought up how there were instances of interference on RAW with Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns changing the outcomes of matches. Cole mentions how they weren’t punished. Triple H says Rollins and Reigns are WWE Superstars but The Rock is not, Sting is not. Triple H doesn’t have a problem with those guys interfering because they are a part of WWE while Sting and The Rock are not.
- Cole says it seems that Triple H has been letting his emotions get involved for a few months now.Triple H says he’s just doing what’s best for business. Cole asks if Triple H has been getting emotional about what Sting has done. Triple H says he hasn’t threatened Sting with physicality, he’s just challenged him to come have a conversation so they can resolve their problems. Triple H wonders if Sting will show up at Fast Lane and says if he does, Triple H promises he will put an end to their problem. If Sting doesn’t show up, he’s the coward that Triple H has always thought he was.Triple H says it’s Sting’s choice – be a man or coward.
Edited by Staff Editor