It has been an interesting 24 hours in the world of pro-wrestling with the successful launch of AEW. Their first PPV, Double or Nothing, has been praised by wrestling fans, former wrestlers and critics alike. It delivered on many different levels, even if there were a few things that need polishing.
It seems that from this one show, AEW are proving to be serious players and are here to stay. They seem ready to take on the global juggernaut which is WWE. I've already mentioned in a previous article about the shots that have been fired at WWE. From things like Jon Moxley turning up to making jibes at WWE in subtle ways, the pro-wrestling landscape has now been changed.
It will be interesting to see in the next few days, weeks and months, how this will affect WWE. With how things seem to be unfolding, it seems like it may have shaken WWE higher-ups to the core. Vince McMahon is reportedly fuming at the number of WWE superstars who showered AEW with praise over their first event.
What Vince doesn't seem to understand is that most of these superstars are unhappy with the WWE product. They probably feel that competition will benefit the company (which it does), by forcing the company to produce better content and narratives. Of course, this type of competition between the two companies has it's risks. One of these companies could put the other out of business, which is a real possibility.
WWE is currently going through one of the worst stages they have ever been through. Ratings and attendance figures are at an all-time low, storylines are boring and repetitive, booking is 50/50. Holding a championship in WWE seems to be not looked at as prestigious anymore. Titles appear to be little more than props on a superstar in WWE.
It certainly appears that Vince McMahon is paranoid now more than ever. Things seem to be very disorganised backstage and also getting changed at the last minute. Not really surprising that some things don't make sense with booking if things are bad backstage.
Having a script for everything that appears on WWE programming is ruining the product. The lack of trust in the talent, some of who could express their creative side, is not possible in WWE. Many Superstars like CM Punk and Jon Moxley have left WWE because of the lack of creative freedom.
There seems to be some tension between Vince and Triple H as well. Triple H has been liking tweets that have been directed at Vince, criticizing the current product. While it's unknown how bad the tension is between them, what is clear is that Triple H is not happy with the booking of former NXT talent on the main roster. Many of them appear to be used as enhancement talent. This is certainly a waste, given how much time Triple H invested in them in NXT.
All of the backstage issues with talent, narratives or creative are going to need fixing quickly in WWE. If AEW continues putting on shows like Double or Nothing, WWE will be in big trouble very quickly. AEW may be new to the game but they are ready to challenge WWE.
Triple H needs to be the guy who guides WWE forward from here. He is significantly younger than Vince and has fresh ideas on how to fix the growing problems in WWE. Of course, he will not be able to fix everything right away. Over time though, he can earn the fans trust back in the product. A major reset on the product is just what WWE needs with different people in charge. I believe it will stop WWE suffering like they are.
What are your thoughts on today's product? Has AEW made WWE suffer more? Leave your comments below.