The story of RK-Bro began in 2021, when The Viper, Randy Orton, found a tag team partner in Matt Riddle. The chemistry between the no-nonsense veteran and the carefree Riddle was an instant hit, and RK-Bro was born.
The pairing was a breath of fresh air, combining Orton's experience and technical prowess with Riddle's unorthodox style and infectious enthusiasm. RK-Bro quickly became fan favorites, entertaining audiences with their unique dynamic both inside and outside the ring. The duo's popularity soared, which culminated in a Raw Tag Team Championship victory.
However, the euphoria surrounding RK-Bro did not last long. In an unexpected turn of events, Orton suffered an injury in 2022 that forced him to take time off from in-ring competition. The timing couldn't have been worse for RK-Bro, as they were at the peak of their success. Orton's absence left Riddle to fend for himself, and Riddle had some incredible matches as a solo wrestler with the likes of Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins. But before Randy could return and reunite with his former partner, Riddle was released from the WWE.
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