# 4. Shut up, Regal!
"Hello, my name is Steven William Regal!"
Standing in the middle of the ring some 20 years ago during an episode of Monday Night Raw, was the pompous, snivelling William Regal - not exactly a welcome guest at Penn State University, despite his cheery greeting, which continued...
"I have come from Great Britain to become a goodwill ambassador to you, my friends, the American people!"
It was safe to say, the Brit didn't exactly have the crowd on board - something he well and truly confirmed about two sentences later when he called the University an establishment with a "shoddy" reputation.
He was there, he said, to enlighten them with the joy of literature and, believe it or not, proceeded there on the spot to begin reciting the entirety of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Well - it would have been the entirety, had there not been a timely interruption from Stone Cold Steve Austin who, its fair to say, had no interest in hearing any more.
Head out, Stun the guy talking nonsense in the ring, head back. Simple!