#2. Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar revisited
Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar was a dud of a program in its first iteration, culminating at WrestleMania 20. The fact that each man was leaving WWE and word got out about it led to an awkward situation and a bad blow off match. The guys largely redeemed themselves and their rivalry thirteen years later a rivalry that built to WrestleMania 33.
Two years later, no one is exactly clamoring to see this match again. However, if AEW were to sign Goldberg, there would certainly be a temptation to go back to the well with a rival who can match Goldberg’s star power and physical presence.
Brock Lesnar has announced his retirement from MMA, which seems to indicate he’ll focus on wrestling for the rest of his days as a professional athlete. While WWE will be his presumptive home, he’s never made any bones about being a businessman. If AEW can offer a more attractive contract financially, and particularly with the added hook of revisiting a proven rival Lesnar can work short matches with in Goldberg, it all just might come together.