#3 Time differences

At the present moment, it’s a bit of a leap to presume All Elite Wrestling will get a TV deal, let alone one that airs on Monday nights. If the stars were to align on these factors, thus setting up a new Monday Night War, we do have to assume that we won’t be comparing apples to apples—it’s highly unlikely a network will give AEW the same three hours that Raw has to work with.
Many would argue that three hours is more of a burden than a benefit, and indeed some of WWE’s difficulties with producing consistently entertaining Raws over the last year can be attributed to having too much TV time to fill. However, if WWE does have one or even two additional hours to work with besides the time it’s in direct competition, we can bet they’ll use that to their benefit to generate interest, and stack the deck with their highest profile material during the time when they do go head to head.