#4 Hart on the last Nitro

The last episode of WCW Monday Nitro featured some of WCW’s finest with a focus on title matches, in addition to going back to the company’s roots with a final showdown between Ric Flair and Sting. It’s unclear how Bret Hart would have fit into the scheme of a show like this. However, with Vince McMahon reportedly pulling the strings on matchmaking for the show, he may have chosen to put Hart in the ring if The Hitman were in a condition to compete. That choice would highlight an all-time great in-ring talent, and perhaps as a show of respect to a talent he had wronged three and a half years earlier.
Would Hart have given a younger talent the rub, on this Nitro that would have a legacy all its own? Or might he have been booked opposite a star like Diamond Dallas Page, or a great fellow worker like Lance Storm? One way or another, Hart wrestling probably would have only improved upon the episode.