#3 No WrestleMania 30 title win for Daniel Bryan

In one of the less favourable outcomes of CM Punk remaining with WWE is the likelihood that the famous Daniel Bryan WWE Championship victory at WrestleMania 30, would surely never have happened.
The organisation, prior to Punk's departure, had planned to book him, not Bryan in a match with Triple H on the show. This was part of the reason why Vince McMahon was not forthcoming when it came Punk's views on how he was being booked in their now infamous backstage meeting. In McMahon's eyes, a match with his legendary son-in-law at the year's biggest event was as high profile as it gets.
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Bryan defeated Triple H at WrestleMania to insert himself in the WWE Championship match versus Batista and Randy Orton which he also won.
Had Punk stayed, Bryan would have remained firmly in the mid-card. Could WWE have decided to put Punk in the same position where he could have had an opportunity to wrestle for the title?
What is abundantly clear is that WWE fans would have rejected a singles match between Orton and Batista. WWE would have to have inserted someone else into it. Could a Punk-Triple H encounter have served the same purpose as the Bryan-Triple H match? It is eminently possible. Punk is the only other wrestler whom fans would have accepted in that spot other than Bryan.