#4 Leaning into kid-friendly storylines

In addition to going more staunchly PG and working within careful limitations, if Disney were to acquire WWE, we could expect a more pronounced focus on kid-friendly storylines. We have seen some of this dynamic of WWE’s own volition in recent years, including angles like Hornswoggle’s feud with Chavo Guerrero, The Muppets guest hosting an episode of Raw, and Santa Claus making recurring appearances around the holidays.
Fans notice, however, that the more childish elements of WWE programming largely tend to be relegated to the lower card and guest spots. Under Disney’s ownership, we could see more of a paradigm shift in which even the main event scene gets more drawn into kid-friendly programming. That may include less overt violence or adult-oriented grudges. Shades of gray booking may slip as the company espouses more black and white good versus evil stories, in some ways more like what WWE did in the 1980s during its original national expansion.
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