#4 Kerwin White carries on

Leading up to Eddie Guerrero’s death, his nephew Chavo Guerrero Jr. received a low key push with a rebranded heel character. Taking on the name of Kerwin White, Chavo played a Latino man largely trying to pass as white, complete with bleached blond hair, and hiring a caddy to escort him to the ring (a young Dolph Ziggler).
WWE promptly dropped the White gimmick immediately upon Eddie’s passing. Part of this was to allow Chavo to be himself and pay tribute to his uncle in matches to follow. Part of it, too, would seem to be WWE implicitly acknowledging the biased undertones of the angle, and wanting to let Chavo celebrate rather than undermine his family and culture.
The Kerwin White had a significant glass ceiling overhead and likely would have been shelved within a few months anyway. Perhaps he would have had more opportunities to work high profile matches in that gimmick, though, and maybe we would have even seen Ziggler rise up against him to launch his singles career that way.
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