1. Sting Vs. Triple H plays out differently

If Hulk Hogan hadn’t joined the nWo from the start and Sting had, Sting may have wound up in WWE much sooner. Even if we maintained more of the original timeline, though, and have Sting go to TNA rather than WWE for the decade after WCW closed, things would still look different when The Stinger surfaced in WWE. It would no longer make as much sense for him to immediately target The Authority when he got there, and it would have shifted the concept of what it meant for the old nWo guys to back him at WrestleMania against Triple H’s DX army.
If Hogan hadn’t joined the now, Sting vs. Triple H may have happened sooner, and almost certainly would have happened differently from how it did end up playing out in 2015. Whether that’s for better or for worse, we won’t ever really never know for sure.
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