#2 A pancake title

Years back, it would be a real stretch to imagine WWE modifying one of its championship belts—particularly a world title—to fit a specific performer. Stone Cold had his skull belt, though, and John Cena had his spinner. Daniel Bryan now sports his hemp belt, and it makes one wonder if Kofi Kingston might make his own adjustments.
To be fair, in the unlikely chance WWE did go all the way with Kingston, it remains likely he’d be a short term champion and far from the kind of paradigm shifter that guys like Austin and Cena in particular were. Nonetheless, particularly if the title goes back to Bryan, and he resumes using the hemp design, it does beg the question if Kingston might do something different in the interim.
To take things to the extreme, and play into New Day’s comedic sensibilities and pancake loving gimmick, it’s conceivable we’d see our first world title made out of pancakes, complete with Big E and Xavier carrying replicas. Sure, a gimmick like that would be beneath the prestige of the championship, but for a just a few weeks, it could be a fun enough diversion.