1. More Cruiserweight Championship defenses on main cards

In the likely event that WWE were to have kept Neville in the Cruiserweight ranks for at least a period of time, there’s a very real chance that he may have kept the division represented on the main card of PPV shows.
In losing Enzo Amore and Neville in close succession, and in then moving the Cruiserweight division off of Raw (Triple H says to keep them form being over exposed), the division may have wound up more competitive and interesting as a stand alone brand. Nonetheless, it also lost marquee value. The casual fan who only watches Raw and SmackDown won’t necessarily recognize a Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali, Drew Gulak, or Buddy Murphy. So it is that, despite the show being a hit with hardcore fans since the Triple H overhaul, the Cruiserweights simply haven’t had a place on proper PPV cards.
Maybe things worked out for the best, but particularly if the edgy face character Neville was edging toward in the end had caught on, he could have been an interesting attraction for fans of any stripe.