#3 Fans wouldn’t have witnessed several outstanding and dramatic WrestleMania matches
The Streak is one of the best-crafted storylines WWE has ever put together. Every year, the stakes rose higher as another wrestler hoped to make a name for themselves at the Undertaker’s expense. All they needed to do was win and they’d be guaranteed a spot at the top of WWE for years to come. As such, many of the Undertaker’s WrestleMania matches were among the most exciting, dramatic and important to fans.
Even as WWE’s core fanbase dropped gradually over the years, there was always one constant, one single storyline that brought more fans together than any other: the Undertaker's. In many cases, the anticipation was soaring in the Undertaker’s match before it even began, as his opponents sought to end his precious Streak.
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This led to several truly fantastic matches over the past few WrestleManias; his outings against Randy Orton (21), Batista (23), Edge (24), Shawn Michaels (25, 26), Triple H (27, 28) and CM Punk (29), were some truly spectacular matches the likes of which we may never see again. In fact, the Undertaker’s WrestleMania 25 match with HBK is now considered to be the single-greatest match in WrestleMania history. That is a monumental distinction given WrestleMania’s reputation for being the show on which the wrestlers put their best efforts into their matches.
Sadly, none of this would’ve happened had the Streak never occurred. There wouldn’t have been as electric an atmosphere, the drama of the story of the Streak wouldn’t be there to make the match feel more important, and these legendary matches – had they been booked for WrestleMania regardless of the Streak not existing – wouldn’t have been as important to ‘Taker’s respective challengers’ careers.