#2 Leather Strap:
The belt’s second layer is made up of pure leather and forms the foundation upon which the metal plate rests, featuring the iconic Eagle’s Wings. Now I’m not a Hells Angels member, but do know a thing or two about leather, which in this case, seems to be an expensive chrome-tanned variety. The WWF belt is not made of the low-tier belting-leather that’s more common in run-of-the-mill appliances that utilize belts.
Furthermore, the belt comprises not one but two layers of leather- one that holds the metal belt and the other that comprises the innermost layer alongside foam. It seems to be extremely water-absorbent and reminds me of something that Seth Rollins once said about the WWE belt that he won off of The Rock, stating that said belt absolutely stunk up his bag, reeking of mildew and beer. Yikes!