Coming across technically sound wrestlers today has become quite a rarity in the wrestling world and WWE in particular. Wrestlers who are believed to have the best technical skills mostly end up in MMA, where they feel they are doing justice to their skills. But performing in the WWE isn’t always about being technically good. A wrestler has to possess the right qualities and tools to make it big in the company. It has been tough going for WWE in finding superstars who can carry the business upon their shoulders, and the closest they have come in recent times is with Damien Sandow.
Yes, you heard me right – this guy is a potential talent for the WWE in the future. Not many wrestlers have shown this sort of a personality in the ring. There have been legends such as Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and then Cena, who have been doing it now for decades, but the WWE has to start looking forward and make tough decisions.
The question that now remains is whether wrestlers of the likes of Ziggler, Sandow, Rhodes and Barrett will get the necessary support from the WWE, considering the speculation over WWE’s next big star being the one chosen by the chairman Vince McMahon. But is Vince missing the big picture by not looking at Sandow? Well, it is for him to decide, but on a personal front, Sandow has just the right characteristics to be the torch bearer of the WWE in the future.
Now, for any wrestler to be judged today, there are two essential aspects that have to be considered: first come the mic skills – the more mature wrestling fans that have been around from the Attitude era will have a lot of respect for the skills one possesses with the microphone. Sandow is indeed a master on the mic. He manages to pull his gimmick off quite well and the ability with which he generates heat amongst the crowd today is indeed impressive.
He hardly needs to open his mouth to make the crowd get annoyed.
Sandow was recently paired with Cody Rhodes and is doing more than enough justice to his gimmick. In fact, his recent gimmick has only been tried out on legendary wrestlers like Matt Striker and Sean Douglas, which requires special skills to execute perfectly. His recent match against Sheamus a few weeks ago did indeed establish his proficiency in wrestling which indeed is another important aspect of being a good wrestler.
Now with all that being said, it is all up to the WWE to notice the presence of such a talent. Despite McMahon’s liking for great-sized men Sandow should be able to impress him with his ability to carry a gimmick. Sandow may not be the next Ric Flair or Hogan, but he has just the talent that WWE needs to push forward in the near future.