#14 Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns

This will be the main event because of course, it will be. It's a match four years in the making, a build which started in the very same building where Brock Lesnar broke Undertaker's streak.
The match itself will be a fun car wreck.There's also the added element that it could be Brock Lesnar's final WWE match, which should make things more interesting. We'll find out more when the time comes.
The ending isn't in doubt, though. This match is Reigns' official "coronation" and WrestleMania will close with him holding the red strap high in the air after having finally 'slain the Beast'. Fans will still probably boo him out of the building though. It's too late to change their minds.
Edited by Akhilesh Tirumala