Jimmy Uso and his wife Naomi were a part of the Total Divas show that ran for nine seasons between July 28, 2013 to December 10, 2019. The show revolved around superstars such as Naomi, The Bella Twins, Natalya, Eva Marie and other women who relentlessly worked to push the women’s division forward while navigating their personal lives.
One of the other prominent members of the Total Divas original cast was former WWE Superstar Cameron, whose real name is Ariane Andrew. During episode 9 of Season 1, "Summer Slam," Ariane was driving Uso and Naomi to Monday Night RAW. The ride showcased Cameron’s anger issues and how Uso and his wife felt throughout the heated incident.
It so happened that Ariane was stuck behind a slow car, and that completely threw her into a fit of rage. She continuously kept honking, which made Uso and Naomi quite uncomfortable. Furthermore, she left the car to confront the driver of the slower car.
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Uso and Naomi had to interfere when the altercation took an extremely aggressive turn. Jimmy had to pull Ariane back while she proceeded to throw her drink at the window of the slower car. Later on, Jimmy Uso and Naomi made a joke about Ariane being bipolar when they arrived at the destination.
Jimmy Uso initiated the fall of The Bloodline
Back in 2013, Jimmy Uso was resolving altercations in the middle of the road to calm Ariane’s anger, but in 2023, Uso has taken altercations to a whole new level.
After being continuously humiliated and hurt by Roman Reigns, Uso took action to end it. He Superkicked the Tribal Chief in the face at Night of Champions, marking the beginning of the end.
Following that, Jimmy Uso had seemingly convinced Solo Sikoa to side with him, but Sikoa betrayed his older brother and sided with Reigns. However, his twin Jey Uso chose to stick by him through thick and thin.
On the June 16, 2023 edition of WWE SmackDown, Jey Uso Superkicked the Tribal Chief to mark the end of his union with The Bloodline. Jey Uso walked away with his brother, leaving a shocked Reigns and a tearful Paul Heyman in the ring.