The Midnight Express
Much like the Freebirds, the Midnight Express had four different men as part of their team. Unlike the Birds, the Midnight Express only showcased two of those members at a time--except during the famous feud between the "Original" Midnight Express and the "New" Midnight Express. Blending skill, finesse, toughness, and old school grit with a more exciting ring style, the Midnight Express was poetry in motion.
Popularity: The Midnight Express were top draws in JCP and other southern promotions, whether working as heel or face they always got a reaction from the crowd. Grade: A
Championships: The Midnight Express has racked up over FIFTY title reigns in twenty different federations. Grade: A+
Competition: The Midnight Express faced, and often defeated, every team of note during their era, including the Rock and Roll Express and the Road Warriors. Grade: A
Legacy: Still regarded by many as one of the best teams of all time, the Midnight Express has accrued honors all over the world. Grade: A
Overall Grade: A