#3 Lars Sullivan

He has no character as of yet and the promo he just cut to call out Killian Daine was lackluster at best. He doesn't sound as scary as he looks, and a speedo might not be the ideal ring attire for the giant.
Put a pair of pants on the guy and give him and Undisputed Era t-shirt, let him stand behind Adam Cole and learn how to cut a promo from one of the best heels in the game. I think that this pairing would benefit him and the group very well as the develop a monster.
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Picture him standing behind the group fuming while Adam Cole has a smirk on his face.The heaviest member of the Undisputed Era right now is Adam Cole at a staggering 210 lbs. (Yeah, if he lost 5 pounds the Undisputed Era would all qualify for 205 Live) Lars Sullivan weighs in at about 303 and would bring some... weight to the group. But really, he is a big guy and seems entertaining in the ring, but fans don't want to watch him squash his way to the NXT title already.