Brock Lesnar is one of the biggest Superstars in WWE right now. He has main evented multiple PPVs including WrestleMania several times. He made his debut in 2002 and earned the moniker 'The Next Big Thing.' He won his first WWE Championship just a few months later and had great feuds with Superstars such as Kurt Angle, The Undertaker and Bill Goldberg.
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Brock won the Universal Championship at WrestleMania 33, and he has held the title for over 475 days. He defended the title only three times this year and had his last defense in April against Roman Reigns at the Greatest Royal Rumble event, where the match ended in controversy. The Universal Championship is Raw's top prize but it hasn't been defended for a while and that ruins the title's prestige.
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Brock is no doubt a big draw and a box office attraction but he doesn't have to hold the title hostage for him to be a big draw. There are other superstars on Raw that show up every week and are more deserving of being a better champ than Lesnar. The reason why Brock should lose the title at SummerSlam is that the title will be in the hands of a fighting champion, either Roman Reigns, Bobby Lashley or Braun Strowman.
These are superstars who could walk out as champion at SummerSlam. Superstars such as Finn Balor and Seth Rollins will return the title to its prestige and make it more meaningful. Brock's time as champion is up and someone else should step up and take the title from him. Having a part-timer as champion is unfair for other wrestlers that show up 300 days a year and do not get the opportunity they deserve.
When the title is in the hands of a worthy superstar, if would be defended every month and not be rarely seen on TV. The Intercontinental Championship is the main title on Raw, as the title is prestige and gets defended every month. Brock is on his way to the UFC. He should lose the Universal Championship at SummerSlam and finally, we will have a full-time champion.
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