Will Finn Balor's push extend beyond Royal Rumble?

Finn Balor vs Brock Lesnar (Credits - Sportskeeda.com)
Finn Balor vs Brock Lesnar (Credits - Sportskeeda.com)

Finn Balor arrived in the WWE with much fanfare, and he is one of the most popular Superstars in the company since his main roster debut in 2016. What started as a promising introduction soon turned sour due to injury. Ever since his return fans were always waiting for his push to the top.

Even though he had Universal title matches it always felt as one-off despite his performances. But now he has finally earned a top PPV title match with proper build up. On Sunday at the Royal Rumble, he will face the Beast Brock Lesnar for the WWE Universal Championship.

If he is booked to win on Sunday at the Royal Rumble, it's safe to say he will head to WrestleMania as the top champion of Monday Night Raw. But things could go back to where it was if he fell short on Sunday.

Ever since Roman Reigns relinquished the title, the rumored match-up for the Universal Championship at WrestleMania was between the Champion Brock Lesnar and the Kingslayer Seth Rollins who is the favorite to win the Men's Royal Rumble match. There were also reports on Balor's push will be just for January and Drew McIntyre will be the focus in the coming months.

When the McMahon family promised the WWE Universe changes, Finn Balor's push was something the fans wanted. Even though it looks like it's happening, there is no guarantee he will be involved in the title picture as the road to WrestleMania begins. There are not many male Superstars on the Raw brand that deserves to be in the title picture as much as the leader of Balor Club.

Finn Balor as the Universal Champion
Finn Balor as the Universal Champion

If Balor is successful on Sunday, the superstars he could face as champion are plenty. Drew McIntyre, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, John Cena are few of them. With smart booking, he can have a successful title reign similar to the one he had in NXT.

A strong outing on Sunday could still turn things in his favor. Since it's the WWE, things can change every minute. A dream Universal Championship match between Finn Balor and Seth Rollins at the Grandest Stage of Them All sounds 'too sweet'. Not many match ups can top that at the moment.

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