With one of the biggest WrestleMania 29 events to be the No Holds Barred match between Triple H and Brock Lesnar, everyone has started to wonder what will become of The Game if he loses to Brock Lesnar.
The conditions of the match are that Triple H would have to resign from the WWE if he fails to beat Lesnar. The two WWE superstars have a long and brutal history.
The two time WWE Hall of Famer, Ric Flair said: “He’s too young to leave the business and has too much left to offer. If he doesn’t wrestle again, no matter how much time he spends in the office working with the company, he’ll be miserable. He needs to be in the ring. That’s who he is.”
Flair was Triple H’s mentor for some time, after which the duo started a team called Evolution.
Shawn Michaels said: “I certainly believe that he’s got plenty of other responsibilities that would keep him busy. I think he would be content. He’s always had a level head on his shoulders — more so than me — so from that standpoint, I think he would. Could he say, ‘absolutely no more, not even here and there’? I don’t know. I think that’s always the million-dollar question for all of us.”
Both WWE superstars, Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair, ended their professional careers at WrestleMania events.