#10 Classic Styles vs. Classic Danielson
For the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. AJ Styles
WWE can shout out all they want about this being the "new" Daniel Bryan all they want, but true wrestling fans know that the current rise of the former Yes Man is only because he's finally tapping into what made him such an independent wrestling legend.
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The Daniel Bryan of old has given way for the ruthless Bryan Danielson from Ring of Honor/Dragon Gate and the world over.
His antics are priceless as he got a rise out of AJ Styles, finally bereft of the championship he has fought for through some psychological wars in the year.
Styles has fractured under them and like a jackal Bryan picked the pieces providing us this classic mat based matchup as the two men had every counter for the other.
That despite a clearly lengthy reign in his future, the story managed to convince that AJ Styles might win is a testament to their talents.
Tapping into the best and deepest of their past personas, these two men on a night they would be overshadowed have provided fans a dark horse match for the best of lists at the end of the year.
It's been a phenomenal year for both Styles and Bryan, hope is 2019 gives us more of them even till WrestleMania.
I'm sure the fans won't mind one bit and it'll happily pay off the somewhat sneaky ending here with Bryan's patented small package.
Result: Daniel Bryan rolls up Styles for a quick pin and win to retain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship!