Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels
Inarguably the most physically draining match of the night was the classic bout between Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels. This was the longest match of the night that lasted for nearly 23 minutes and Michaels emerged victorious by the end of the night.
Michaels was locked in the walls twice by Jericho but on both occasions, Michaels successfully managed to break the hold. Jericho escaped a Sweet Chin Music attempt by Shawn and tried a suplex. HBK converted this into a roll up and managed to steal a victory.
After the match, Jericho offered a handshake to Michaels and both superstars hugged each other to congratulate themselves for their valiant effort and resilience. But Jericho hit Michaels with a low blow and betrayed him. All in all, the match was a blinder.