Next weekend is Wrestlemania 29. Unfortunately, this year’s card is, from top-to-bottom, one of the most lackluster ‘Manias in recent memory. The entire card seems way too predictable, with several of the matches being thrown together at the last minute. I’m usually pretty good with these PPV predictions, and unfortunately this year, I think I may be too accurate.
8-Person Tag Team Match: Tons of Funk (Brodus Clay & Sweet T) and the Funkadactyls (Cameron & Naomi) vs. The Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow) and the Bella Twins (Brie & Nikki)
This match is completely meaningless, and was more or less an excuse to get the Bellas more air time. The Scholars/Bellas team is going to be defeated, which is a shame, as the Scholars could be the premier tag team in WWE if given the right opportunity. Unfortunately, the biggest show of the year is not going to be said opportunity. I’m expecting this match to be ended rather quickly.
Chris Jericho vs. Fandango
Yet another pointless throw-away match. This feud has nothing behind it other than Jericho mocking Fandango’s name. In fact, that’s pretty much the entire gimmick for the former Johnny Curtis. And while I know Jericho will do his damnedest to make Fandango a legitimate threat in this match, the fans aren’t buying it. No one is interested in this gimmick, no matter how much it’s shoved down our throats. Still, considering this is Fandango’s first official match (at least with this gimmick), and Jericho seems to be back in WWE solely to help younger talents get over, Fandango will be the victor in this match. Hopefully, that’s not a sign for things to come, and Curtis eventually gets released.
WWE Tag Team Championship: Team Hell No! (Daniel Bryan and Kane, Champions) vs. Big E. Langston and Dolph Ziggler
Much like Fandango, this will be Langston’s debut match with WWE. While the champions have had a good run, I think it’s coming to an end next weekend. The team isn’t as interesting as it once was, and Ziggler going into a potential feud with Alberto Del Rio for the World title as half of the tag champs certainly wouldn’t hurt him any. I fully expect new champions to be crowned.
Ryback vs. Mark Henry
Henry is basically in the position that The Big Show was originally scheduled for. While I don’t expect Henry to get squashed in any way here (he’s been on a bit of a role as of late), I think this match is more or less to showcase Ryback’s power, and WWE is planning on having him try to hit Shell Shocked on Henry to prove that. Ryback is taking the victory in this one, and I hope that, for his sake, he’s able to hit the move on Henry without any problems. He’s had trouble doing it to bigger guys in the past.